[BW_Finance] Finance committee meeting tonight

Misty Bromley misstea at misstea.ca
Tue Mar 28 10:45:40 PDT 2023

I don't think the QB transactions will be terribly helpful.  I've been looking at the Grant Tracking Spreadsheet<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1touKIzOIl-1PDf0gelLat5w5pAch07v8X8EolD0axwc/edit#gid=0>.
BW 2022 Grant Reconciliation Tracking<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1touKIzOIl-1PDf0gelLat5w5pAch07v8X8EolD0axwc/edit#gid=0>
Summary 2500,Matching Sources Grant,Maximum Grant Amount,Grant Amount Recieved To Date,Earned Amount,Corrections on Earned Amount,Max Admin Fee %,Earned Admin Fees,Available Funds,Amount Receiveable,Additional Grant Amounts Avaliable,Matching Requirement,Bike Winnipeg,BSC ODG,E.D. labour budgete...

I need to reconcile to that, I think.

At least I remember getting those payments, so that helps.

From: Finance <finance-bounces at lists.bikewinnipeg.ca> on behalf of Mark Cohoe <mark.e.cohoe at gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2023 11:37 AM
To: Finance Committee <finance at lists.bikewinnipeg.ca>
Subject: Re: [BW_Finance] Finance committee meeting tonight

Thanks Misty,

7:30 pm should work for me, although I am working tonight at the WECC. I can try and send something in advance to discuss the unallocated grants as well. I did a bit of work on it last night. I exported the transitions on that account and started to match things up. I'm not too familiar with QuickBooks. If I were to generate a spreadsheet of all grant payments and dates, would that be helpful?


On Tue, Mar 28, 2023 at 10:48 AM Misty Bromley <misstea at misstea.ca<mailto:misstea at misstea.ca>> wrote:
Hello everyone,

Tonight is our monthly finance meeting, and hopefully the last one I will chair.

I'd like to push the start time back to 7:30 so that Luke can get his kids to bed.

The main thing we need to discuss is the grant allocation for the 2022 financial statements.

The CIVICRM and Bikeshare research are the only grants that spill into 2023, as far as I know.

We have the West Broadway Study, Chalmers Study, Local Bike Groups through Canada Summer Jobs, and the Strategic Planning, which was funded by Red River Co-op and ???.

There's the CAA quadrennial poll and a possible receivable from the City for the Bike Valet Expansion project (which is straight revenue, as all expenses have been incurred).

That's just going from memory, so I am sure I am missing something.

Here's the Zoom<https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81188389156?pwd=elhiVCs0QmlCcUhOeElRbk9ZS0NIZz09> link  and here's a link to the agenda <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iDQ4ydwxKzYqNBOyK_lA84fyaAkTjo0X5eAY9aDmNns/edit> - I didn't change too much from last month.

BW finance 2023.03.28<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iDQ4ydwxKzYqNBOyK_lA84fyaAkTjo0X5eAY9aDmNns/edit>
Bike Winnipeg Finance Committee Meeting March 28, 2023 7:30 pm\u000BLocation: Zoom Meeting chair: Misty\u000BNotes: Everyone\u000BIn attendance: Regrets: Governing documents: Bylaws / Policies / Strategic Plan / 2022 Budget / Committee TOR\u000BOperational documents: Scheduled board meeting topics / \u000B List of acro...

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