[BW_Finance] Finance committee meeting tonight

Mark Cohoe mark.e.cohoe at gmail.com
Tue Mar 28 09:37:38 PDT 2023

Thanks Misty,

7:30 pm should work for me, although I am working tonight at the WECC. I
can try and send something in advance to discuss the unallocated grants as
well. I did a bit of work on it last night. I exported the transitions on
that account and started to match things up. I'm not too familiar with
QuickBooks. If I were to generate a spreadsheet of all grant payments and
dates, would that be helpful?


On Tue, Mar 28, 2023 at 10:48 AM Misty Bromley <misstea at misstea.ca> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> Tonight is our monthly finance meeting, and hopefully the last one I will
> chair.
> I'd like to push the start time back to 7:30 so that Luke can get his kids
> to bed.
> The main thing we need to discuss is the grant allocation for the 2022
> financial statements.
> The CIVICRM and Bikeshare research are the only grants that spill into
> 2023, as far as I know.
> We have the West Broadway Study, Chalmers Study, Local Bike Groups through
> Canada Summer Jobs, and the Strategic Planning, which was funded by Red
> River Co-op and ???.
> There's the CAA quadrennial poll and a possible receivable from the City
> for the Bike Valet Expansion project (which is straight revenue, as all
> expenses have been incurred).
> That's just going from memory, so I am sure I am missing something.
> Here's the Zoom
> <https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81188389156?pwd=elhiVCs0QmlCcUhOeElRbk9ZS0NIZz09>
> link  and here's a link to the agenda
> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iDQ4ydwxKzYqNBOyK_lA84fyaAkTjo0X5eAY9aDmNns/edit>-
> I didn't change too much from last month.
> Misty
> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iDQ4ydwxKzYqNBOyK_lA84fyaAkTjo0X5eAY9aDmNns/edit>
> BW finance 2023.03.28
> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iDQ4ydwxKzYqNBOyK_lA84fyaAkTjo0X5eAY9aDmNns/edit>
> Bike Winnipeg Finance Committee Meeting March 28, 2023 7:30
> pm\u000BLocation: Zoom Meeting chair: Misty\u000BNotes: Everyone\u000BIn
> attendance: Regrets: Governing documents: Bylaws / Policies / Strategic
> Plan / 2022 Budget / Committee TOR\u000BOperational documents: Scheduled
> board meeting topics / \u000B List of acro...
> docs.google.com
> Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting
> <https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81188389156?pwd=elhiVCs0QmlCcUhOeElRbk9ZS0NIZz09>
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