[BW_Finance] Meeting Minutes Apr 13/22

Neiva Desrochers neivadesrochers1 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 13 17:54:57 PDT 2022

Hi everyone,

Here are the minutes <https://docs.google.com/document/d/19TRtpz4bA0waU244RATR9vcIwjpcHslJH_eke0IAoUE/edit> from tonight’s meeting. The new meeting date for the finance committee has been provisionally determined to be 1st Tuesdays at either 6:30 or 7. Corey and Misty, please let me know if this day works for you and, if so, which time you’d prefer to meet at.


Summary of Action Items
Neiva to send email to confirm date & time with Corey and Misty
Neiva to send emails to both regarding decision
Select appropriate Quickbooks package from TechSoup
Scan 2018-19 receipts for evidence for charitable registration application [on hold]-  look to see what is in the formal records.
Pursuing ITES for $6k NPSSIG payment
Get back to Corey on Organizational Capacity Development grant expense (for F/S review)
Look into 2018-2019 receipts for charitable registration application
Work on Canada Summer Jobs grant
Kind of done (all filed; 12 hours per week for 6 straight weeks was required so Cayden was not eligible but Nick was)
Send ITES information to Misty for $6k NPSSIG payment (no update)
Corey & Misty
Discuss treatment of Bikes & Beyond sponsorship (donation or revenue)
Contact ITES for $6k NPSSIG (provincial grant) payment
Discuss estimation of in-kind donation to Winnipeg Trails and send as email vote for board approval
Grant approval policy
Approval of 2022 budget
Committee TOR revisions

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