[BW_Finance] Draft Agenda for Apr 13 Meeting
Corey Dyck
coreymdyck at gmail.com
Tue Apr 12 05:45:11 PDT 2022
Good morning finance committee,
I apologize I didn't realize I had a conflict tomorrow and I won't be able
to join tomorrow's meeting. For committee meeting dates going forward I'm
quite open - I believe MAC committee meetings will be 4th Wednesday's going
forward. Thursdays tend to be tricky so maybe Mon-Wed work best.
On Mon, Apr 11, 2022 at 9:58 PM Neiva Desrochers <neivadesrochers1 at gmail.com>
> Hi all,
> Here is the draft agenda
> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/19TRtpz4bA0waU244RATR9vcIwjpcHslJH_eke0IAoUE/edit> for
> our finance committee meeting this upcoming Wednesday, April 13 at 7 pm
> (see summary of March action items below). Some things to note:
> 1. We’ll be doing a review of our committee terms of reference
> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kC8sjAbcA5oKczyY6UNZldC_QT2638RH4IRRrMyzm2k/edit> so
> I’d recommend taking a look at them ahead of time so we can make any
> necessary changes at the meeting.
> 2. We will be discussing our finance committee monthly meeting day. For
> some reason I'm struggling to create an appropriate Doodle poll so I
> figured we could just chat about it at the meeting and find a day that
> works for all of us. If anyone would like to email me ahead of time to let
> me know what their availability is like then I’ll take note of that.
> Thanks!
> Neiva
> Summary of Action Items
> 1. All
> 2. Neiva
> 3. Misty
> 1. Select appropriate Quickbooks package from TechSoup
> 2. Scan 2018-19 receipts for evidence for charitable registration
> application [on hold]- look to see what is in the formal records.
> 3. Pursuing ITES for $6k NPSSIG payment
> 4. Examine budget
> <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1H9XiommdK28MfzVFqXwwOPd_IpOZHiOX45odFgvJv2Q/edit#gid=0>
> & comments
> 5. Put 2021 actuals into budget and separate in-kind out of what we
> communicate to the board
> 6. Get back to Corey on Organizational Capacity Development grant
> expense (for F/S review)
> 4. Mark
> 1. Look into 2018-2019 receipts for charitable registration application
> 2. Work on Canada Summer Jobs grant
> 3. Forward new applications for volunteer positions
> 4. Initiate transfer of $1,575 from BW to Wiltshire
> 5. Clayton
> 1. Send ITES information to Misty for $6k NPSSIG payment
> 6. Corey & Misty
> 1. Discuss treatment of Bikes & Beyond sponsorship (donation or
> revenue)
> 7. Delegated
> 8. Deferred
> 1. Contact ITES for $6k NPSSIG (provincial grant) payment
> 2. Discuss estimation of in-kind donation to Winnipeg Trails and
> send as email vote for board approval
> 3.
> Grant approval policy
> 4.
> Approval of 2022 budget
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