[Finance] Fwd: Social Economy meet-up this Friday October 29

Clayton Rudy clayton at bikewinnipeg.ca
Tue Oct 26 09:06:23 PDT 2021


Everyone's welcome to join this meeting and it might be
especially interesting to Finance Committee members.  BW has worked with
Nigel & ACU previously, FYI.

Clayton Rudy
Bike Winnipeg

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Marty Donkervoort <marty.donkervoort at gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 2021 at 11:28
Subject: Social Economy meet-up this Friday October 29
To: <cycleworks at naturalcycle.ca>, <davidgeisel at naturalcycle.ca>, <
jandres at mtroyal.ca>, <worker at organicplanet.coop>, Alex Guidry <
alex.guidry at newdirections.mb.ca>, Anna Sigrithur <
foodhub at fireweedfoodcoop.ca>, Anne Kresta <anne.kresta at levelitupmb.ca>,
Anne-Lydie Bolay <anne.lydie.bolay at cmwi.ca>, Audra Penner <
apenner at imagineability.ca>, Barb Wilton <Barb at seedwinnipeg.ca>, Cameran
Tindall <ctindall at sararielinc.com>, Camilo Avila-wiebe <
camiloavilawiebe at mccmb.ca>, Carinna Rosales <carinna at seedwinnipeg.ca>,
Caryn Birch <cbirch at rayinc.ca>, Charles Enns <Charles.Enns at siloam.ca>,
Chris Sones <Chris.sones at gmail.com>, Clayton Rudy <Clayton at bikewinnipeg.ca>,
Darcy Penner <d.penner at ccednet-rcdec.ca>, Darcy Wood <
darcywood at akienergy.com>, Dean McIvOr <dean at necrc.org>, Derek Pachal <
dhpachal at mts.net>, Donald Proven <donaldproven at suncertifiedcoop.com>, Doug
Grant <douglasgrant at shaw.ca>, Ela Partyka <epartyka at cmhawpg.mb.ca>, Eunice
Anyango <eunice.anyango at newdirections.mb.ca>, Frank Atnikov <
frank at frankgrowthsolutions.ca>, Greg Marsh <greg.marsh at siloam.ca>, Ian
Rountree <ian at lite.mb.ca>, Ian Vickers <ia.vickers at uwinnipeg.ca>, Jesse
Boychuk <jboychuk6 at gmail.com>, Jessica Floresco <
Jessica at motherearthrecycling.ca>, johanna Haines <
johanna.haines at newdirections.mb.ca>, Jonny Meikle <
jonathanwrmeikle at gmail.com>, Josue Figueroa <josuefigueroa at mccmb.ca>,
Judith Harris <j.harris at uwinnipeg.ca>, K Taylor <
ktaylor at purposeconstruction.ca>, Kate Sjoberg <WRENCHProgram at gmail.com>,
Kaye Grant <kgrant at reconinc.ca>, Kelly Kuryk <info at compostwinnipeg.ca>,
Kristen Murray <kem524 at mun.ca>, Kristy Muckowski <
thrivethriftshop at thrivewpg.com>, Lisa Forbes <Lisa at seedwinnipeg.ca>, Lucas
Stewart <lucas at encompass.coop>, Mark Jenkins <mark at parit.ca>, Matthew
Rempel <matthew at strategymadesimple.ca>, Michael Barkman <
m.barkman at ccednet-rcdec.ca>, Michelle Strain <Training.coordinator at cmwi.ca>,
Mohammad Agha <manufacturing at cmwi.ca>, Olga Rogozina <
NRCManager at thewestendcommons.ca>, Pamala Kirkpatrick <pamelajilly at gmail.com>,
Paul Vermette <pvermette at chcm-ccsm.ca>, Rhonda Elias Penner <
rhondaeliaspenner at thrivewpg.com>, Robin Bryan <robin at greenactioncentre.ca>,
Ron Wasylycia <ronwl at mts.net>, Sarah Leeson-Klym <
sleesonklym at ccednet-rcdec.ca>, Sean Hogan <sean.hogan at buildinc.ca>, Shaun
Loney <Shaunloney at encompass.coop>, Shelley Bevz <sbevz at imagineability.ca>,
Simon Berge <s.berge at uwinnipeg.ca>, SSCOPE Inc. <Sscope.inc at gmail.com>, Tom
Cooper <tcooper at mun.ca>, Tomi Oloke <TomiOloke at gmail.com>, Tyler Claeys <
tclaeys at outlook.com>, Tyler Pearce <tyler at lite.mb.ca>, Uyen Pham <
uyen at artbeatstudio.ca>, Valentina Brics <valenbrics at gmail.com>, Vera
Goussaert <vera at manitoba.coop>, Zahra Qureshi <zahra at optinum.ca>
Cc: Melanie Beth Oliviero <melanieoliviero at aol.com>

Hi all,

Our next meet-up is this Friday, October 29 at 9 AM on zoom. Nigel
Mohammed, Director of Assiniboine Credit Union Community Financial Centre,
will be joining us to discuss ACU's role in financing social economy
ventures and organizations. Hope you can join us.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 463 974 525
Password: 286392



Marty Donkervoort,
Mobile 204-471-6384
Marty.Donkervoort at gmail.com
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