[Finance] Statements for the PUB

Bill N bill.newman at plumdee.ca
Mon Jul 3 15:01:35 PDT 2017

     So this is something Charles and Jason are preparing?  I assume 
it's like previous years although I don't remember seeing the 
documentation for them.  And what's with the three day notice??

     This is a grant (as I have recorded it) awarded to us by the PUB 
and payable by MPI.  We are one of the principals in this grant and the 
beneficiary.  We use this money to pay for legal services that argue for 
our issues before the PUB.  As such these transactions appear in our 
financial statements.  The fact that the settlement of accounts does not 
actually go through our bank account is not important.

     The Bike Winnipeg financials are as reported in our Annual Report.  
A copy is also posted on our website along with at least three other 
reports, all identifying the MPI grant money.  Any modified or redacted 
reports would have be considered by the Finance Committee and approved 
by the Treasurer.


On 2017-06-29 22:49, Charles Feaver wrote:
> Bill;
> We need to give the PUB a financial statement as part of our 
> application for funding of costs Monday next week.
> Could you please send me ASAP a statement for last year without the 
> PUB legal costs and funding.
> I think they would find it unsettling if we show that as expense and 
> revenue when the transaction never went through our books.
> Thanks
> Regards
> Charles

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