[Finance] Education Committee Budget
Laura Donatelli
omojean98 at hotmail.com
Tue Mar 4 18:16:57 PST 2014
Hi Jim, Dave and others,
Sorry for not responding sooner. I have just started a one month contract and it is overwhelming me a bit.
FYI - I did follow up with Christian Cassidy, the person Danny Schur recommended as a Strike Bike Leader, and Christian responded saying that it sounds like a great idea but he doesn't have the time to take it on. However, he did recommend another person named Steven Stothers who is part of a streetcar restoration group, is big into the Winnipeg General Strike, and who has also organized the "Tweed Ride" for cyclists during Cyclovia. I have sent an email off to him tonight exploring whether he might be willing to lead a Strike Bike tour. If not Steven, Mark may know of another possible leader.
Also, I attended the Finance Committee meeting today, and shared a few more details from our last week's Education Committee discussion to supplement the emails below. They had a few suggestions as to how we might put dollar figures on our projected income and expenses. Also, Mark mentioned that he has a fanny pack/head set portable sound system that we could borrow for the June 21st tour, so we wouldn't have to incur the cost of renting.
So, the draft BW budget includes the following Education Committee items:
- Revenue: Strike Bike tour $800 (assuming 2 tours of 20 cyclists each paying $20); Hydro Course $300 (assuming 12 participants x $25) for a total revenue of $1100.
- Expenses: Strike Bike tour $250 (pay the leader $200 for leading two 2-hour tours - one in a.m. and one in p.m., plus $50 for lamination of historic pictures to show around); Hydro Course $500 ($300 for course design and $200 for 2 Can-Bike instructors @ 100 each) for a total expenses of $750.
As you can see, we set our numbers quite conservatively. We might have more cyclists attending the tour, we might make a bit of additional revenue selling Danny's DVDs, and we might find a benevolent leader who waives his/her honorarium. Similarly, we might have additional participants in the Hydro course, requiring more instructors but reducing the impact of the course design expense. Note that we made the following assumptions: that Hydro will cover the facility cost, that it will be an a.m. or p.m. course with no food or drink provided, and that all registrations for both the course and the tour will be paid in advance via BW's Pay Pal account (there is a cost for this but Mark can cover that through the Pay Pal expense line).
At this point, we did not include any revenue or expenses for other Education Committee activities related to the bus/truck/cyclist education initiative or to the longer term work promoting the large education proposal of Mark and Dave's.
If you are concerned about any of this, we will have the chance to discuss this further and tweak it at the BW meeting next week.
Cheers, Laura
From: delmore at mymts.net
To: chateau_jimbeau at hotmail.com; education at lists.bikewinnipeg.ca; mark at bikewinnipeg.ca
Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2014 13:10:25 -0600
Subject: Re: [Education] Recent Education Committee Meeting
Just a few comments below Thanks Dave o
_ ( \ _ (X)\ /(X) From: Jim Falloon [mailto:chateau_jimbeau at hotmail.com]
Sent: February-27-14 3:35 PM
To: education at lists.bikewinnipeg.ca; Dave Elmore; Mark Cohoe
Subject: Recent Education Committee Meeting Good Afternoon
On Tuesday evening the Education Committee met to discuss yearly objectives. We discussed the following: Strike! bike, Bike to Work Day Seminar, Education to Bus and Truck Drivers, and the Dave's larger Education Proposal.[Dave] Actually the proposal was developed by Mark with my input.
Danny Schur was invited to discuss possible locations and routing of a guided ride commemorating the General Strike. We had a very fruitful discussion. It was determined that this could actually become a Fund Raiser by charging $20 per rider with a limit of 30 per ride. He suggested up to 4 rides could be held in a day, although we thought that 2 may be plenty. Although he could not commit to directing the ride, he offered to produce a narrative script and offered suggestions as to who else might animate this ride. He also offered us a DVD which he has produced to sell at the end of the ride, suggested cost $20 and we would share proceeds. this event would happen on June 21st, Bloody Saturday.
We then discussed hosting a seminar aimed to encourage cyclist to commute on Bike to Work Week/Day. We have decided to focus on Hydro employees as Jackie works for Hydro and could ease logistics. We propose a session to be held on June 7 or 8 at the Hydro Building on Taylor for about 25 participants. We would contract with Can Bike instructors to deliver a 2 hour lesson followed by 2 hours of Bike Skills starting in the Hydro Parking lot and leading into a road ride to the downtown Hydro Building. We propose offering this on a Cost Recovery basis of $20 - $25 per person to cover costs of Instructors. We would approach Hydro to determine if they would subsidize this program for their employees.[Dave] Hard to get people to think of this as “Bike Week” but it is important to drop the Bike to Work when referring to the week. Bike to Work Day is an event within Bike Week but we really are trying to reach that broader audience of cyclists. In terms of the 4 hour session it would be difficult to fit in the classroom, skills, and on road. I have been doing the Leisure Guide courses based on a similar time frame and what I do is classroom, skills demonstration, and then on-road, The on-road is the most important part as it is where “the rubber hits the road.” You need to spend sufficient time on the road with people to try and break habits and instill some of the more counter intuitive aspects of Can-Bike.
We briefly discussed the request from the Labour Council to instruct Bus and Truck drivers about cycling issues. We propose that initially the Chicago video presented could be used in a seminar format discussing these issues with bus & truck drivers and cyclists. Ideally, in the longer term, we would look for funding to create a local video using local streets to illustrate safe practices. We don't anticipate a cost for this seminar.
We would like to study and develop Dave's proposal over a longer term. We think that some of these smaller activities might give us insight into the larger and far more comprehensive proposal.[Dave] Some of you may know that I did approach the city about expansion of the Leisure Guide offerings but they seem reluctant to do it as they have been a bit hit and miss in terms of registration. I believe that if we had offerings in numerous locations around the city where people could just ride to the location, it would reach a larger audience. Currently many of the participants are forced to pack their bikes on their cars and drive to St.James Civic Centre to take the course. It just doesn’t work for many people. Offering course does present some challenges like development of on-road riding routes for all the locations, but I believe that if it would community focused it would have more reach.
So in short, we might need some start up money, which would be recouped in the activities.
Jackie and Laura, does this accurately reflect our discussions?
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