[BW_Finance] Finance Committee Meeting Tues July 25, 730PM - Q2 Statements Review
Clayton Rudy
clayton.rudy at gmail.com
Tue Jul 25 15:39:44 PDT 2023
I can't make the meeting tonight but here are a few thoughts:
#1 - great job - very understandable and nicely formatted! It's a nice
package to send to the board :)
#2 - BS - could we anonymize the staff/labour expenses for financial
statements, e.g. just a "salaries & wages" line?
#3 - BS - a few $0 lines aren't very relevant in the present/future: I
don't think we'll have a "bike valet equipment contingency", (it's a legacy
of the pre-covid BV contract) or deferred revenue for the BV Expansion or
Bikeshare Development projects (these 2020-21 projects are completed), and
no expected loans in the future: perhaps we could remove these line items
from years ago to shorten the statements?
#4 - BS - is accrued vacation pay a bit high? any reason?
#5 - BS - technically there's almost always a salaries (& benefits, incl.
vacation pay) payable and a source deductions payable on any balance
sheet. But this often leads to AGMs questions from members who are
unfamiliar with financial statements. I wonder if we could create an
accounting policy that a note stating that salaries and source deductions
payables less than 1 month (or payment period) -- given their normalcy --
are not included in the statements, or a similar type of note so that the
BS is even shorter?
#6 - BS - the property/plant/equip line doesn't include the drill press,
right? I think that, at some point in the future, it'd be nice to break
out this line a bit: bikes & trailers, outreach equipment, valet equipment,
tech (computers/phones), and maybe a couple other informative categories.
But perhaps in a subordinate schedule, and perhaps just for the annual
statements and not the quarterly ones. Just a thought.
#6 - IS - could we group all the income together, subtotal all the cash
expenses together, and list the non-cash expenses (depreciation) at the end
before the total expenses?
On Tue, 25 Jul 2023 at 13:19, Benjamin Meek <benjamin.meek at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Luke,
> Thanks so much for sending these documents. The way they're presented is
> informative and easy to follow.
> I'm on vacation at the moment and probably won't be able to join the
> meeting tonight. A couple of questions I have that perhaps the committee
> can answer/discuss tonight:
> 1) Do we have a plan for the bike parking contract this summer? We should
> make an effort to push that the next couple of months to get some money
> coming in. There was talk of having Ray or Manpreet work on the contract.
> Is that happening yet? Is there any assistance with scouting rack locations
> that volunteers could provide?
> 2) What was the ~$1800 in fundraising expenses this year?
> Thanks!
> Ben
> On Tue., Jul. 25, 2023, 10:28 a.m. Luke Lorentz, <llorentz at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Good day all,
>> Reminder that the Finance Committee Meets tonight at 730PM on Zoom to
>> discuss Q2 Financials.
>> Link below: July 25, 2023, 730PM
>> Location: Zoom
>> <https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81188389156?pwd=elhiVCs0QmlCcUhOeElRbk9ZS0NIZz09>
>> On Wed, 19 Jul 2023 at 08:57, Luke Lorentz <llorentz at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Good day,
>>> Attached you will find the following:
>>> - Quarterly Profit Loss Jan 1 to June 30th 2023
>>> - Balance sheet as at June 30th 2023
>>> - Budget comparison / statement of operations
>>> - Board Financial Report for June 2023
>>> - Agenda & Zoom link for the July 25th meeting.
>>> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DsSZ2c4jt-xmh_aVV7W1wByVbrJjTO_v/edit?usp=drive_link&ouid=103022762279323445700&rtpof=true&sd=true>
>>> Hope a few of you can join next week.
>>> Thank you
>>> Luke
>>> 204 230 3272
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