[BW_Finance] Grant Risk Review Framework

Misty Bromley misstea at misstea.ca
Wed Nov 2 17:52:00 PDT 2022

Hi Felix,

Clayton has been working on a framework to ensure that our grant applications fit well into our financial capacity.  The executive committee looked at it, and the board talked about it at tonight's meeting.

The board felt that a third set of eyes would be helpful, and I already had it on my list to share with you, the one person on the finance committee who hasn't seen it.  Could you please look at the framework linked below?

BW grant risk evaluation - Google Sheets<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1iuVfdurTyiaKbksHsmsVpWUgKzGMJ08zTL-7APe5Rl0/edit#gid=0>

We'll talk about it at next week's finance committee meeting.

Thanks so much!

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