[BW_Finance] Change of date - Finance Committee meetings

Misty Bromley misstea at misstea.ca
Tue Oct 11 08:38:55 PDT 2022

Let's meet on the fourth Tuesday for now.  Therefore, our next meeting will be Tuesday, October 25 at 7 pm.

From: Finance <finance-bounces at lists.bikewinnipeg.ca> on behalf of Mark Cohoe <mark.e.cohoe at gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2022 6:31 AM
To: Finance Committee <finance at lists.bikewinnipeg.ca>
Subject: Re: [BW_Finance] Change of date - Finance Committee meetings


First, second, and forth Tuesdays are generally good for me. We have a Northwest Local Bike Groups meeting scheduled for the third Tuesday of the month, although those are on hold for now. I prefer 7pm to 6:30 pm, but I can make either work.

Ian has scheduled an Advocacy meeting for this Wednesday, October 12th at 7pm (he pushed it back from the first Monday this month to avoid Thanksgiving Monday), and I am working at the West End Cultural Centre this Wednesday, so if we could move this Wednesday's meeting and future meetings, that would be beneficial.


On Wed, Oct 5, 2022 at 6:47 PM Misty Bromley <misstea at misstea.ca<mailto:misstea at misstea.ca>> wrote:

Knit night has returned on Wednesdays and I don’t want to miss it twice a month, so I would like to reschedule the finance committee meetings.

According to the notes at the bottom of the board meeting minutes, our regularly scheduled meetings are as follows:

i.Recurring monthly meetings

1.      Outreach: 1st Mondays, 7pm

2.      Board: 1st Wednesdays, 7pm

3.      Advocacy: 2nd Mondays, 7pm

4.      Finance: 2nd Wednesdays, 7pm

5.      Exec: 3rd Thursdays, 6:30pm

6.      MAC: 4th Mondays, 7pm

7.      Fundraising: 4th Thursdays, 7pm

8.      NW LBG:

9.      NE LBG: First Thursdays, 7pm, rotating libraries (Henderson, Transcona, Munroe)

10.  CC LBG:

So, it looks like Tuesdays might be a good day for a Finance committee meeting.  Following are suggested times.

First Tuesday – 6:30

First Tuesday – 7:00

Second Tuesday – 6:30

Second Tuesday – 7:00

Third Tuesday – 6:30

Third Tuesday – 7:00

Fourth Tuesday – 6:30

Fourth Tuesday – 7:00

I’ve created a doodle poll<https://doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/aMQGvM3a> with the above-dates for the next month.  Please fill out the poll and we’ll see where we land.


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