[BW_Finance] Change of date - Finance Committee meetings

Misty Bromley misstea at misstea.ca
Wed Oct 5 16:47:02 PDT 2022

Knit night has returned on Wednesdays and I don't want to miss it twice a month, so I would like to reschedule the finance committee meetings.

According to the notes at the bottom of the board meeting minutes, our regularly scheduled meetings are as follows:

i.Recurring monthly meetings

1.      Outreach: 1st Mondays, 7pm

2.      Board: 1st Wednesdays, 7pm

3.      Advocacy: 2nd Mondays, 7pm

4.      Finance: 2nd Wednesdays, 7pm

5.      Exec: 3rd Thursdays, 6:30pm

6.      MAC: 4th Mondays, 7pm

7.      Fundraising: 4th Thursdays, 7pm

8.      NW LBG:

9.      NE LBG: First Thursdays, 7pm, rotating libraries (Henderson, Transcona, Munroe)

10.  CC LBG:

So, it looks like Tuesdays might be a good day for a Finance committee meeting.  Following are suggested times.

First Tuesday - 6:30
First Tuesday - 7:00
Second Tuesday - 6:30
Second Tuesday - 7:00
Third Tuesday - 6:30
Third Tuesday - 7:00
Fourth Tuesday - 6:30
Fourth Tuesday - 7:00

I've created a doodle poll<https://doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/aMQGvM3a> with the above-dates for the next month.  Please fill out the poll and we'll see where we land.


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