[Finance] ACU Funding & Canada Summer Jobs Decision

Mark Cohoe mark.e.cohoe at gmail.com
Mon Jun 7 20:31:30 PDT 2021


Sorry I didn't get this out Friday, but we received notification late
Friday that we were approved for a $2,500 grant from ACU to put toward our
Local Bike Groups project. It's half what we had hoped for, but it's
definitely welcome and meaningful.

We'll need to decide if this puts us in a position for move forward with
hiring one or both of the Canada Summer Jobs Grant positions we were
awarded (up to 16 wks x 35 hrs/wk = 560 hours for one Local Bike Groups
Coordinator position and up to 16 wks x 35 hrs/wk = 560 hours for a
Videographer). The Canada Summer Jobs Grant provides us $11.90/hr plus
benefits, but we need to find matching funding to get to the $18/hr plus
benefits we want for the positions),

We still have not heard back on the provincial Building Sustainable
Communities grant we put together for the Local Bike Groups, which included
both the Local Bike Groups Coordinator and Videographer positions.

I've set up a Google spreadsheet with minimal tentative budgets for both
p[ositons here
now, I've applied the full $2,500 ACU grant to the Local Bike Groups
Coordinator, incorporating amounts from our adopted 2021 budget. It would
allow us to pay 12 weeks of the 16 eligible weeks. To do that, project
management/supervision time of 5 hrs/wk would be on us to provide,
presumably taking up 5 of the 15 hours per week we have for me.

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