[Finance] CRA links, hints, etc.

Bill Newman bill.newman at plumdee.ca
Sat Apr 24 22:57:41 PDT 2021

Hi Charles
     Here is a check list 
you have seen this already. I went through it and answered all the 
questions, reasonably I think, and have attached> for registering a 
charity.  I imagine you've seen this.  I ran through it and got the 
results attached.  It makes reference to T2050 which has been 
deprecated.  It's now done online through My Business Account (MyBA).  
Which leads into how to connect to CRA......
     Perhaps you have a CRA Login.  If not go to CRA login services 
select My Account and create a Login which will be tied to your SIN.  
This is the only CRA Login you need. It's also good to login to My 
Business Account (MyBA) or Represent a Client.  MyBA is for business 
owners or directors.  Represent a Client is for anyone designated by a 
MyBA user.
     I don't know how Bike Winnipeg is set up.  The prudent thing would 
be to have several directors authorized to connect through MyBA.  That 
would protect continuity as people come and go (a Bike Winnipeg 
tradition).  I believe directors can be added or deleted online through 
MyBA.  For other people--like you, me and Mark--"Represent a Client" 
provides enough access to conduct most business with CRA.
     There are several sections when you login.  I'm familiar with RC 
(filing taxes), RP (payroll), RT (GST).  Apparently there is another 
one, RR for charities which is described in this CRA link 
But you're *not logged in yet* so you don't even know if we have an RR 
section--neither do I.
*Where to start*.  Here is a help page for the Charities Directorate 
which has a phone number to call.  They should be able to give you the 
next step (from where ever you are now).  If something has to be done 
from MyBA directly, that will be up to a Director with a MyBA login.  If 
Represent a Client is good enough you can do that.
     (_To get Representative access_:  from CRA login services select 
Represent a Client;  login with your CRA login; when you get to the 
Access Client page (with your name at the top) look at the menu on the 
left and click on Authorization Request;  that will get you to a page 
that shows your RepID;  DON'T bother with "submit a request";  just 
communicate that RepID to someone with MyBA access)
     (_To add a Representative from a MyBA login_:  from the main 
Business Account page click on _Business Profile_ at the top;  find 
_Manage authorized representatives_;  add the RepID)

     With a little luck I may have actually clarified something.

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