[Finance] COVID-19 Costs Spreadsheet

Clayton Rudy clayton.rudy at gmail.com
Mon Feb 8 08:50:32 PST 2021

Thanks Mark, that's extremely useful information to know for both our
decision-making and to mention to our membership at the AGM.

If there's one thing to add it would be the value of your time spent on
discussing/managing changes, cancellations, grant applications, etc.
related to Covid-19; it was an extra administrative burden that also robbed
us of time needed in the busiest year ever for City policy updates.  I
don't know that we can count *both* the admin cost and the lost opportunity
cost, but at least one should be accounted for.


On Mon, 8 Feb 2021 at 10:30, Mark Cohoe <mark.e.cohoe at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I've put together a rough accounting of our COVID-19 related costs and
> losses. You can view it here
> <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ap-rtyFWeHowJY1bnEjVeBAd5oTAuNkXomFRMGLMBNc/edit?usp=sharing>.
> The estimates on lost revenue from memberships and donations are pretty
> weak, but also pretty conservative. We don't really know what that cost us
> in terms of lost revenue. I think the $1500 in lost sponsorship revenue is
> real as we had conversations with Wookdcock and Bike s and Beyond nad were
> told that fears around COVID forced them to cut sponsorships.
> The ride losses are solid. The U of M, ArtRide, and Haunted Ride were set
> up and ready to go when we were forced to cancel them.
> On Bicycle Valet, I have not included any loss from the $500 transfer to
> capital we would normally charge against bicycle valet revenue, and I'm not
> sure if we provided Stephanie with any income to offset the work she had
> done to schedule events for 2020 that ended up being cancelled.
> Cheers,
> Mark
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