[Finance] Updated financial reports

Bill Newman bill.newman at plumdee.ca
Wed Aug 23 15:01:57 PDT 2017

And I'm sorry it took me so long to get this done Philip.  I'm sending 
it to the Finance committee (which is most of the Exec committee as well).

     I am attaching a couple of samples of the Treasurer's Report 
according to the ideas we discussed in July.  These are as of June 30.  
I'll also do them for July 31.
     Version A includes most of what we discussed: more detail, a (zero) 
line for Grants, clearer labels, an asset breakdown.  I've only added 
one note--more may be appropriate.
     Version B is a more ambitious attempt to relate amounts to the 
things we actually do.  But sometimes the underlying accounts don't 
reflect our activity accurately (or often our activity moves in novel 
directions).  Several amounts should likely be moved around (or posted 
to new accounts).  One thing I've done is move most of Mark's contract 
into Advocacy, Outreach, and Bike Racks, (using $250/mo. more or less 
and leaving the remainder under Staff payments).  This could be 
augmented by a more detailed time accounting report from Mark (but not 
too detailed :-).
     I have also included a column for last month's Net which helps 
clarify what has happened in the last month and gives a general sense of 
     I am also introducing the idea of Core Competencies--here Advocacy, 
Outreach, and Projects--more or less corresponding to "Our Work" as it 
appears on the website.  More specifically they are the things that we 
do well, that we are known and respected for.  They are the things on 
which we want to spend money as opposed to the things we do to raise 
money.  (Raising money is more of a "hygienic priority" in the 
terminology of 20th century business seminars.)
     We have never really discussed Core Competencies in relation to our 
mission (or even our mission for quite a while now).  Focusing on Core 
Competencies can help us choose the right things to do and avoid getting 
diverted into things that miss the mark.
     More discussion would be good.  Our basic mission, our Core 
Competencies, our website menus/pages and our financial account names 
should all reflect the same underlying understanding.  So far they don't.
     I feel there lots of opportunities for improving things here.

On 2017-08-23 07:57, philip at pegcitycarcoop.ca wrote:
> Hi Bill, Wondering if you had a chance to put together an updated 
> financial report. The meeting is tonight. I realize now in an 
> oversight I wrote next week, rather than giving you the exact day. 
> Sorry 'bout that.
> Philip Mikulec
> *Operations Manager, Peg City Car Co-op*
> 204.793.3912 philip at pegcitycarcoop.ca <mailto:philip at pegcitycarcoop.ca>
> 400 - 460 Main Street, Winnipeg MB R3B 1B6
> *www.pegcitycarcoop.ca <http://www.pegcitycarcoop.ca/>*
> On 18 August 2017 at 16:58, Bill Newman <bill.newman at plumdee.ca 
> <mailto:bill.newman at plumdee.ca>> wrote:
>     Will do.
>     Sent from Blue <http://www.bluemail.me/r?b=10455>
>     On Aug 18, 2017, at 15:57, "philip at pegcitycarcoop.ca
>     <mailto:philip at pegcitycarcoop.ca>" <philip at pegcitycarcoop.ca
>     <mailto:philip at pegcitycarcoop.ca>> wrote:
>         Hi Bill,
>         I'm wondering if you've had a chance to incorporate the
>         changes we discussed the other month? I'm also hoping you can
>         send me an updated financial report for the executive meeting
>         I have next week?
>         Thanks,
>         Philip Mikulec
>         *Operations Manager, Peg City Car Co-op*
>         204.793.3912 <tel:%28204%29%20793-3912>
>         philip at pegcitycarcoop.ca <mailto:philip at pegcitycarcoop.ca>
>         400 - 460 Main Street, Winnipeg MB R3B 1B6
>         *www.pegcitycarcoop.ca <http://www.pegcitycarcoop.ca/>*

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