[Finance] Bicycle Valet financial history

Bill Newman bill.newman at plumdee.ca
Thu Nov 13 02:33:58 PST 2014

I have attached a consolidated financial report for the whole five year 
history of Bike Valet.  The current year is projected to March, 2015.  
It includes depreciation, a $200 estimate for the volunteer windup, and 
an end date for Coordinator staff fees of November 12. It does not 
include storage fees beyond November, nor any further anticipation of 

     Income in the beginning was mainly grants and gradually moved over 
to fees and donations.  The initial capital investment of 11-12K$ came 
from grants.  This included racks, trailers, signage, which has not been 
replaced or upgraded.
     Depreciation is posted on March 31 as 20% of the current value of 
each fixed asset.  The Bike Winnipeg  management fee is new as of 2015.  
This was discussed for previous years but not actually charged.  (This 
could be adjusted without actually affecting previously published 
financial reports--true so.)
     The BV Working Funds under Current Assets is the Bike Valet bank 
account (with BWin being the banker).  This is money earned by BV and 
used to cover expenses.  (Yes, BV cash reserves are 90% of our whole 
cash assets.)
     A capital expansion fund can easily be established as we develop a 
capital expansion plan.
     The Insurance amount is the policy premium with Co-Operators 
Insurance.  I'm not sure if that includes any non Bike Valet coverage.

     This is where all the actual money came from and went to.  It 
should be the basis of future budgeting for Bike Valet.

     (This report was prepared with LibreOffice and saved in MS Word 
.doc format.  Let me know if it comes out "funnny".)

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