[Finance] Bike Valet Year End Reports

Bill Newman bill.newman at plumdee.ca
Mon Mar 10 07:30:34 PDT 2014

I have produced  draft (pretty close to final) Year-End reports for Bike 
Valet as of 2014-03-31.  This includes depreciation and other expenses 
to the end of the month.
     I have also eliminated the "BV Start-up advance" asset by posting a 
"Founders honorarium" (nominally for David) for later this month.  I 
charged it to Bike Winnipeg (under Contractors) based on the idea that 
it is from Bike Winnipeg for his help in setting up Bike Valet.  Thus it 
does not appear as an expense for BV.  This may or may not strike 
everyone as reasonable.
     The total depreciation for 2014-03-31 is $1737.09.  If there are no 
further capital costs in the next year the expected depreciation will be 
$1389.68. Any budgeted capital expenses should include a depreciation 
allowance of 20% for the year in which they are incurred.

     Income/Expense reports are attached.  They are also on the website 
along with all previous years for BV.  You'll find them on the "About > 
Financial Reports" page (quite a ways down) or use this link 
<http://bikewinnipeg.ca/about-us/financial-reports/#YE-all-BV>.  (Yes, 
this is kind of an obscure place to put them).


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